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Helse Sør-øst RHF

Professor II/Associate Professor/senior consultant in Pulmonary Medicine

Offentlig forvaltning

The Institute of Clinical Medicine has a vacant position as Professor II/Associate Professor (20 %) of Pulmonary Medicine. The part-time academic position is combined with a full-time (100 %) senior consultant position in Pulmonary Medicine at Akershus University Hospital, Department of Pulmonary Medicine.

Relating the main position:

Department of Pulmonary Medicine is organized under the Division of Medicine.
The Department of Pulmonary Medicine is a large department at the country's largest general hospital. The department has a high level of activity and treats the vast majority of pulmonary medical issues, as well as providing services to other units in the hospital.

The department consists of two wards with a total of 41 beds, a large outpatient clinic, a day unit and an associated ambulatory pulmonary team. The department has two medical sections: a section for senior consultants and a section for interns/residents. In addition, we have program areas for lung cancer, obstructive diseases/ventilatory support and interstitial lung disease/infection. In total, 17 senior consultants and 21 interns/residents are affiliated with the section. The Department has two positions as professor/associate professor, depending on qualifications.
Research is an integral part of the clinic and is expected to grow. The Department has a large catchment area with unselected patients, which is suited for research in many conditions, as well as epidemiological projects. We have recently conducted research in several pulmonary disease areas, including obstructive lung disease, interstitial lung disease, malignant lung disease and lung infections, both self-initiated studies, commissioned research, and registry studies.
Division of Research and Innovation and Department for Research Support provides advice and guidance to researchers at Ahus. The research facilitis at Ahus also include Department of Clinical Molecular Biology (EpiGen); a research laboratory affiliated with Institute of Clinical Medicine at the University of Oslo. EpiGen provides service, infrastructure and support to clinicians at Ahus and other researchers at the HelseSørØst region to carry out high-quality translational research.

By appointment, 40 % of the senior consultant position is expected to be used for research and teaching.